Kitchen RAP:  Read, Assemble, Prep

November 22, 2015

Kitchen RAP: Read, Assemble, Prep

1 Comment

Cooking How-TosThese simple RAP steps – Read, Assemble, Prep – will save you tons of time and frustration.  These are some of the kitchen home truths that I learned from my 10th grade Home Economics teacher years ago, but didn’t take them seriously until about my 100th recipe disaster.  Now RAP gets me ready to make magic in the kitchen and the disasters don’t happen.  I should have paid more attention to Miss West back in high school.

Don’t skip anything.  Not even if you’re in a hurry.  Especially not if you’re in a hurry.  

Read It First

This time-saving step applies to any recipe:  Read it first.  All the way through. It is so frustrating to get halfway through a recipe and then realize you should have melted something 20 minutes ago and let it cool before adding it to the rest of the ingredients.  The temptation is to add it anyway – damn the torpedoes – and the results can be disastrous (at least in my kitchen confessions).

Assemble Everything

Salmon Spread Ingredients2
Gathering ingredients before you get started saves time and frustration; these are the ingredients for Smoked Salmon Spread

After you read the recipe – all the way through, remember? – Assemble all of the equipment and ingredients.  You don’t want to be scrambling to find the whisk after your butter is already melted for the hollandaise sauce, right?  Curdling does happen (at least to me).

Prep All Ingredients

Finally, before you get started actually cooking:  Prep all of your ingredients.  If the recipe tells you to use a half cup of onions, finely chopped, chop ’em before you get started.  Again, you don’t want your olive oil to start smoking because you waited until it was hot to mince the onions.

Simple Ingredients for Sausage and Peppers
There are only a few ingredients for the Sausage and Pepper Dogs for Two, but it is still a time-saver to collect them all before starting to cook.

Glover Gardens Cookbook Recipes are Based on RAP

The recipes in this blog and in the cookbook I’m working on are all written with RAP in mind.  The ingredients lists read like this: “1/2 cup of onions, finely chopped” instead of the cooking instructions telling you to chop the onions.  I really believe in the RAP approach.

More tips and tricks can be found here, where I’m assembling the how-to instructions that have helped me make kitchen magic.

Copyright 2015 Glover Gardens Cookbook

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