Arepas Revisited, with Input from Edinburgh and The Pleasant Peasant

August 9, 2017

Arepas Revisited, with Input from Edinburgh and The Pleasant Peasant


It Started with Breakfast Club

Arepas are a traditional bread from the native tribes of Venezuela that resembles both pita (in shape) and fried cornbread (in texture).  I learned about them from a colleague when she brought them to our Breakfast Club at work last year (click here).

Venezuela Arepa 2 - Version 2
The shredded beef arepa was topped with cheese and a creamy green sauce and served alongside a mango mousse and grapefruit juice at Breakfast Club

And Then Came the Edinburgh Farmers’ Market at Castle Terrace

A few weeks ago, I was in Edinburgh, Scotland, and there was a farmers’ market and street festival right in front of my hotel. Score!  The smell of the arepas was amazing, although I was too full from lunch to enjoy them.  I took loads of photos to share here in the blog, and of course I sent a few to my Venezuelan coworker.  (Irritatingly, auto-correct changed “arepas” to “arenas”…I guess my iPhone thought it was smarter than I was.)

Arepas Vendors and SignArepas CookingArepas Vendor in Edinburgh

Arepas Vendor with Customer
There was a long, long line for these handmade-on-site arepas at the Castle Terrace farmer’s market in Edinburgh

The Pleasant Peasant Tried Arepas and Now Calls Them His New Favorite Food

And now I’ve seen a marvelous post about arepas from another blogger I follow, who rolled up his sleeves and mastered the art of making them.  Don’t those vegetarian arepas from The Pleasant Peasant look great?!  You can read all about his process and yummy vegetarian fillings via the link in the Resources section below; the photos are from his blog post.

I’m going to give arepas a try one day soon, and will share the results with you.

More to Come about the Edinburgh Experience

I haven’t done the Edinburgh Farmers’ Market in Castle Terrace justice with this post and will share more on another day.  It is charming, and somehow you feel so connected to the past when shopping in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle.  The city really knows how to blend the richness of its past with its present.  There was also a jazz festival going on, and a palpable sense of celebration under the chilly gray Edinburgh sky.

Festival in the Shadow of Edinburgh Castle (1).jpg
Happy crowds munch on farmers’ market food while listening to jazz in the shadow of Edinburgh Castle


Copyright 2017, Glover Gardens Cookbook (cover photo and cooked arepas pics courtesy of The Pleasant Peasant)

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