An Early, Bitter Tanshi from a Most Cheerful Girl

August 13, 2018

An Early, Bitter Tanshi from a Most Cheerful Girl


where o where
did you hide my anaconda?
i need that snake

Bitter over some teenage breakup, I wrote that tiny little poem in my high school journal. For some reason, it has always stuck with me; it’s so bitter and melodramatic that it makes me laugh.

I remember the poem but not the boy who broke my heart, which is probably as it should be.

I’ve just learned the term “tanshi,” which means “small poem” and I guess that’s what this is.

I’ve never liked snakes and probably just used the word anaconda because it sounded cold-blooded and mean. I just looked them up and there’s no way I could use an image of that scary-looking reptile here in the annals of Glover Gardens. I’ll probably dream about anacondas because of the few I just saw on Google, eating large mammals. Yuck.

But I have to have an image for the post. So I found a picture of myself from that period, a scan of a yearbook photo someone uploaded to Facebook. I was the female winner of “Most Cheerful”. Yep. Not “Most Likely to Succeed”, “Most Popular” or even “Most Likely to Start a Blog in Her Late 40s”. But now, I’ll take it! I love being known as a cheerful person. I chose this picture to balance out the bitter tone of the tanshi, the sting of the anaconda. I really was a happy kid. Still am.


No anacondas were harmed in the creation of this post, and no, that boy is not the one that broke my heart.

© 2018, Glover Gardens



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