6 Days without Power and Now This?

May 31, 2024

6 Days without Power and Now This?


An poem using onomatopoeia in response to a dVerse Poets Pub prompt and the seemingly never-ending and scarily violent storms happening right now in our area.

6 Days without Power and Now This?

i wish this lightning would stop
thunder’s sonic boom
is impacting my Zoom

frequent power outages
spawn my shoutages
to mother nature - ayee!
can’t you let us be??
i’ve got work to do
and am tired of you
- the endless stormer -
downing trees and transformers

slap-slap rain and gloom
darken my working room
swooshing rising creek
threatens flooding by noon

mother nature - ayee!
can’t you let us be??
i’ve got work to do
and am tired of you
- the endless stormer -
downing trees and transformers


but please, come back
(sorry for the attack)
i just want your gentle kiss
and no more of … this

Storms, we’ve had storms! Two weeks ago yesterday, it was bad, bad, bad. We were left without power for 6 days and one hour – but we were so grateful not to have property damage and not to be harmed (others weren’t so fortunate). The storms raged back this week, three times, on three different days, and they are scary. Trees can be weapons during flooding and storms, as we learned years ago, shown in the post below about our big bad bang of trees falling on the house in 2016.

We haven’t had any trees fall on the house this time, but the fear remains. So when I saw this morning that the dVerse Poets Pub prompt from Bjorn yesterday was about writing a poem using onomatopoeia, and we were in the midst of a big lightning storm, the first lines of this poem immediately popped into my head.

i wish this lightning would stop

Do I sound melodramatic? Check out what Wednesday’s lightning storm did to a tree about ¼ mile from us:

I’m not really mad at Mother Nature, as the poem suggests. I know this isn’t her preference.

© 2024, Glover Gardens

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