Time Travel in the Produce Section (a poem)

March 29, 2019

Time Travel in the Produce Section (a poem)


sweat-pant clad
she grabbed a piece of fruit
holding it up to her dad
to inspect
a mango? or a plum?
(i couldn’t see)

he took it
smelled it
made a comment
they laughed 
moved on to carrots
talking about something
or nothing

leaving me 
in their wake
surrounded by vegetables
rooted in memories
shopping with my dad
talking about something 
or nothing

i saw her 
40 years from now
surrounded by vegetables
rooted in memories
missing her dad for a moment
before carrying on
with the shopping
The produce section
Carrying on with the shopping, awash in memories

In late May of 2024, I’m happily dusting off this poem to share it for the dVerse Poets Pub Open Link Night prompt, hosted by Mish. I encourage all poets and people who love poetry to visit dVerse and join the fun.

It was also really nice to remember my reverie, recalling my own Dad while watching this lovely father-daughter outing at the grocery store.

© 2019, Glover Gardens

Updated 2024

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