poem: i can buy my own flowers

May 16, 2024

poem: i can buy my own flowers


The dVerse Poets Pub posted a prompt, Left in the Lurch, about being stood up, inviting us to write poetry about it.

I already did, years ago. My ridiculous verse has been waiting for years for its moment in the sun. I can’t remember the circumstances, the guy, the timeframe, where I lived, or what I was wearing. But I DO remember that when I began to suspect I was being stood up, I turned to verse. And after writing my simple poem, I’m sure I contacted a girlfriend and went out on the town, ultimately having a better time than I would’ve had with whatever scamp it was who dissed me.

The prompt reminded me of another short poem, a tanshi, that I posted here before.

I realized that my two little verses, smashed together, would be more effective in response to the prompt. The flowers bit, the title, I added today, as an integrating element. But – it was always true! I can buy my own flowers. You, my ladies, can buy your own flowers.

i can buy my own flowers

but don’t be late
because I won’t wait
for a
recalcitrant date

where o where
did you hide
my anaconda?
i need that snake

but hey,
i can buy my own flowers

These days, The Grill-Meister buys my flowers. But it’s nice to know that I can buy my own if I need to. Or hell, I can grow my own flowers – check out the harvest from my gargantuan gardenia bush today!

And finally, I really don’t need that anaconda.

I thought I did, but I don’t.

Just the flowers; I need the flowers.

© 2024, Glover Gardens

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