Birdsong Haiku and Bird Appreciation 101

September 13, 2018

Birdsong Haiku and Bird Appreciation 101


First the haiku:

hoot, screech, squawk, chirp, cheep,
caw-caw, honk, quack, trill and peep –
backyard birdsong bliss

I really, really like birds.  Looking at and listening to them makes me feel calm and contented, as though I’m on the front row observing a fluttering and dynamic ecosystem in fluid motion.

I’m not a good bird-watcher yet – I don’t even think I rise to the level of amateur – but I think it is in my future.

Likewise, I’m not great at bird photography, either, but I like trying and learning from my efforts.

So here are some happy bird pictures, just because.

© 2018, Glover Gardens

June 2024 Update

I shared this haiku in response to a prompt from Bjorn over at the dVerse Poets Pub asking participants to prepare a poem using onomatopoeia. I wrote a new one (here) but then remembered I already had this haiku, which is two thirds sound words.  It was fun re-reading this haiku – aloud, of course! – and looking at my old pictures. Birds have increasingly been a go-to for me for curiosity, learning, peace, reflection and self knowledge. And so has poetry.

© 2024, Glover Gardens

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