Category: Haiku

Haibun: Our February Circle of Life and the Snow Moon

Haibun: Our February Circle of Life and the Snow Moon

February has been a circle of life month, punctuated by the rejuvenation of the yard with spring’s early onset, birthdays at both ends of the spectrum, and the end of a life journey.

Winter Solstice and Vast Lustrous Skies Beg for Poetry

Winter Solstice and Vast Lustrous Skies Beg for Poetry

The sky in Bay St. Louis is luminous, intoxicating, and just can’t take a bad photo, so I wrote a haiku to honor it.

Autumnal Haibun Flows Like a River

Autumnal Haibun Flows Like a River

A haibun about haibun and fall colors, in response to a prompt from D’Verse Poets’ Pub.

Haiku: We’ll Cross Each Bridge Together

Haiku: We’ll Cross Each Bridge Together

A prompt from dVerse Poet’s Pub about bridges results in a heartfelt love haiku about forever.

London by Night is a Wonderful Sight

London by Night is a Wonderful Sight

London by Night has always been one of my favorite Frank Sinatra tunes, because it perfectly captures a reverence for London after dark that it’s almost impossible not to feel when you’re there.

Haiku in Appreciation of Leafless Trees in Winter

Haiku in Appreciation of Leafless Trees in Winter

In winter, leafless trees frame the landscape or cityscape, delicate and lacy while at the same time sturdy and lasting.

Who needs fireworks when you’ve got sunsets and peeps?

Who needs fireworks when you’ve got sunsets and peeps?

A fiery sunset beats a fireworks display any day.

Turtle Haiku (Two) for You

Turtle Haiku (Two) for You

Only a few words, in haiku (but not 5-7-5).

The Call of the Wild, On the Walk

The Call of the Wild, On the Walk

Walking is like a photosynthesis activity for us, an absorption of what’s out there to help us grow and stay healthy within, and also a process of shedding mental toxins.

Sunsets Make Me Happy (Hour)

Sunsets Make Me Happy (Hour)

Musings about why we appreciate sunsets, a recipe for a refreshing Chambord and rosé cocktail, and a haiku.

3 Haiku: Yesterday and Tomorrow – and What About Today?

3 Haiku: Yesterday and Tomorrow – and What About Today?

Talk of poems and prayers and promises and things that we believe in;
How sweet it is to love someone, how right it is to care;
How long it’s been since yesterday and what about tomorrow?
What about our dreams and all the memories we share?

Dandelion Meditations (and a haiku)

Dandelion Meditations (and a haiku)

I’m fascinated by the dandelion; such a temporal thing it is. Transient, and yet tenacious, it grows, blooms, morphs, and flies away, above the fray, to plant seeds (and a new life) somewhere else.

Some Days, You’re the Windshield; Some Days, You’re the Bug (and How the Rose Helped)

Some Days, You’re the Windshield; Some Days, You’re the Bug (and How the Rose Helped)

Nature is a natural antidote to down days.

A Gentle Coming Out Party, and the End of Spring

A Gentle Coming Out Party, and the End of Spring

A quiet story about coming out of a long, silent austerity into the startlingly lush experience of in-person conversation and a meal with another couple outside of our bubble.

What the Car Saw: Winter’s Bleak Tableau (plus haiku)

What the Car Saw: Winter’s Bleak Tableau (plus haiku)

It was cold, damp, bleak and dreary. Dickens would have felt right at home.

Hurry Up and Wait

Hurry Up and Wait

We’re all waiting for the day when friends can once again be greeted with a bear hug.

Martin Luther King Day Haiku: Not Just a Dream

Martin Luther King Day Haiku: Not Just a Dream

it’s not enough to “not be racist,” I must be anti-racist and actively involved in highlighting injustice and creating a better world, along the lines of “If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem”.

100 Years, 1 Month and 1 Day in this World, and Now Dancing with the Daffodils

100 Years, 1 Month and 1 Day in this World, and Now Dancing with the Daffodils

A remembrance and a haiku for the intrepid little lady we lost, Ruth Violet Hiatt Holt.

Haiku: My Poinsettia Reflections

Haiku: My Poinsettia Reflections

As much as holidays are a time for celebration, they also bring reminders of the past, joyful days with lost loved ones.

Mindfulness Haiku Born from a New Vantage Point

Mindfulness Haiku Born from a New Vantage Point

The backstory for this (hopefully) enigmatic haiku is a tale of a search through my photo library.